Reassuring Our Loved Ones After We Die

Are you ready to die? Are you prepared to die? These are the questions that we all dread to answer. Why do we fear dead? I think I already figured out a logical answer- we fear death because we worry about our loved ones on how they will cope with our untimely demise.

The practical solution to this dilemma is to prepare for your death. This will sound so casual but come to think of it we all going to die one day, right?

Looking back when my mom passed away last 2001, our family was in complete disarray. She succumbed to diabetes and the complications made matter worst for her. The medical bills were piling up during her months of treatment until she was diagnosed with cancer that followed her demise. This experience has thought me a lot about life and death- that we should always prepare for the future and death is an inevitable part of our future whether we like or not.

Talk about Health and Life Insurance at the last Money4LifeChallenge session with Aya Laraya

It is always a privilege for me to attend the sessions of Mr. Laraya for Sun Life Financial. Through this talk/seminar which is held on a Saturday I was able to understand the importance of investment not only for the living but also for the dead.

Last session Mr. Laraya discussed the value of having a health and life insurance since we all can agree that our life here on earth is just temporary. There are things that we need to consider whether when we got sick or when we are about to crossover the bridge.

Just thinking about this made me think hard and ponder that it only made sense that we should prepare for life’s surprises.

We need a health insurance to cover medical expenses such as hospitalization, medicines, consultations, lab works and maintenance that will sustain good health and allow us to live longer. 

We all need life insurance to enable our loved ones to have assurance that they will have some money to spend for the expenses that will incur when somebody dies in the family. Would it be a nice thought that we are able to think ahead and plan for our death?

What is Health Insurance?
Health insurance is a kind of insurance coverage that covers the expenses or cost of an insured person’s surgical, medical and other expenses should he or she gets sick. It will all depend on the type of coverage the insurance offers. Options are the insured individual would pay first out of his own pocket then later reimburse or the insurance company pays directly to the medical provider.

What is Life Insurance?
A life insurance is a policy made between an insurance company (insurer) and an individual. It has corresponding premiums (payouts) depending on the type of life insurance coverage in the event of death. A certain amount will be given to the beneficiary in a form of a lump sum payment. 

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